Free one-day event at Garrick’s Temple to Shakepeare, Hampton, London

11:00 Julia Ng (Goldsmiths, U of London), ‘Unnatural Means: Max Reinhardt’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the Dialectical Task of Becoming Unromantic’
11:45 coffee break
12:15 Jessica Chiba (Birmingham), ’This is not [Shakespeare], he’s some other where: absent presence in Shakespeare films’
1:00 lunch (The Bell Inn)
2:00 Paul Kottman (The New School), ‘Churches, theaters, museums, shopping malls, subways and buses: Rohmer and Shakespeare’
2:45 Inma Sánchez García (Edinburgh), ‘Exit Romeo: Queer Temporalities and the Contemporary LGBTQ Romeo and Juliet Short Film’
3:30 tea break
4:00 Mark Burnett (Queen’s University Belfast), ‘Shakespeare / Cinema / Asia: Encounters Across Time and Space’
5:00 Roundtable
5:30 end
The event is free but reserving a place is necessary. Please reserve your place by Tuesday Aug 22, to ensure you get the complementary finger buffet lunch at the Bell Inn.
Book here:
The same evening at Garrick’s Temple there is a concert of sixteenth-century French and Spanish songs and fantasias for flute/recorder and vihuela (a Spanish lute). Tickets for the concert.
How to get there.
Cover image: Leslie Howard and Norma Shearer in George Cukor’s Romeo and Juliet (1936; Folger Shakespeare library. CC BY-SA 4.0).